Mallard Feather Picture Frame

Mallard Feather Picture Frame


Product Details

The objective was to create a hand-engravable solid sterling silver picture frame (our research indicates that there are few, if any, such frames actually being produced today).

The result is this completely hand-wrought Mallard Feather-themed frame for a 4x6 picture. There is no stamping or electroforming involved in its manufacturing. The silver is so thick that the entire surface (above, below, and to the sides) of the frame can be hand-engraved. The back is solid hand-rubbed has a wonderful fragrance that reminds us an elegant yacht.


Refunds and Exchanges: We will gladly refund or exchange your purchase, for any reason whatsoever. There is no time limit, but we do ask that the item be in new condition. See our Shipping & Returns for details.

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